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25 outubro 2009

PSP Firmware 6.10 Official

PSP® System Software Update 6.10 (Download)



music (SensMe™ channels) has been added as a new featurYou can now import playlists that are created using the Media Go application.

o In [Display Panel Close Options] under (System Settings), the design for the [Standard] theme has been changed.

o [Update] has been added to the options menu for games.
By selecting this option, you can connect your system to the Internet and check whether update data is available for the game in use. If update data is available, you can use this option to download and install the update data.

o PSP®go [Memory Stick™] has been added as a save destination for content that is downloaded from PlayStation®Store.
o A new category for "minigames" called [minis] was added under 2000 series (PlayStation®Store). You can go to this category under 2000 series (PlayStation®Store) to download (purchase) minigames that can be played simply and easily on your system.

o 2000 series The Dial-up Networking (DUN) profile has been added as one of the supported Bluetooth® profiles.

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