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25 novembro 2009

Netfront Internet Browser Beta 4

Netfront Internet Browser BETA 4 EBOOT Preview

Download: Netfront Internet Browser Beta 4 – HighMemoryMod

You know, Sony limits our memory in Internet Browser. So we cannot play big flash games and open big web sites.
This mod removes this limitation. And you can use all of the memory that your PSP has.
If your PSP is Fat, the HighMemMod uses all of 32 MB RAM.
If your PSP is Slim, the HighMemMod uses all of 64 MB RAM!!!

That's very interesting, isn't it?

Now the browser loads your pages in very short seconds!
You can play your online flash games fast...

The program is beta so it may be buggy. If you see any problems, please reply this topic....

What's New
-Annoying prompt was removed.
-HEN support was added(Also PSP-3000 support)
-The theme was changed(EBOOT music, background etc...)
--We won't remove music etc. because they don't matter...
-It is more stable.
-Password Protected Version is added...

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Não sejas invejoso, e partilha com os teus amigos!!

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